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Gifted & Talented Ed

The Fulton County Gifted Education Program will identify students possessing gifted characteristics. Students identified as possessing gifted characteristics, behaviors, and talents will be provided articulated, primary through grade twelve services which are:

(a) differentiated to meet their needs,

(b) will result in educational experiences commensurate with their interests, needs, and abilities

(c) will facilitate high-level attainment of the goals aligned by the Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee.

Multiple services delivery options shall be utilized district-wide. Student grouping formats shall include grouping for instructional purposes based on student interests, abilities, and needs, including social and emotional.

For more information, contact Mrs. Kerry Gallimore or Mrs. Carolyn Byrd at 270-236-3923.


Policies and Procedures
First page of the PDF file: PolicyandProceduresManualUpdatedJuly20141docx
Primary Talent Pool Grades K-3
First page of the PDF file: PrimaryTalentPoolGradesKthrough3
Gifted and Talented Grades 4-12
First page of the PDF file: GiftedandTalentedGrades4-12
12 PTP Teacher Referral Form
First page of the PDF file: 12PTPTeacherReferralform
Individualized Instruction Through Differentiation
First page of the PDF file: IndividualizedInstructionThroughDifferentiation1doc
Grievance Procedure
First page of the PDF file: GrievanceProceduredocx
Special Consideration Form
First page of the PDF file: specialconsiderationform
Quad District Parent Survey
First page of the PDF file: QuadDistrictParentSurvey
Quad District Teacher Survey
First page of the PDF file: QuadDistrictTeacherSurvey
Quad District Student Survey
First page of the PDF file: QuadDistrictStudentSurvey

Kerry Gallimore
Gifted and Talented Coordinator


Carolyn Byrd
Gifted and Talented Teacher